Muzaffarpur Police Arrested Three Accused: A video is going viral on social media in Muzaffarpur, in which some boys are brutally beating a boy and forcing him to chant religious slogans. During this, many youths are surrounding him. When the boy refused to chant the slogan, five to six boys together beat him up badly. After this video went viral, the local police have arrested three accused boys after investigating the case.
Video of forcing people to raise slogans goes viral
ASP Town Bhanu Pratap Singh confirmed this and said that the matter is from Mithanpura police station area, where there was a dispute while playing cricket earlier, after which this incident has come to light. In this, a teenager has been beaten up badly. It is being told that he was returning after playing cricket and then he was surrounded and caught on the way and he was forcibly asked to chant slogans.
During this, when the teenager kept quiet, he was beaten and then thrown down and dragged. The viral video is from three days ago. After the video of this incident surfaced, senior police officials took cognizance. In this case, the victim has lodged an FIR in Mithanpura police station for action against several named and unknown people, after which the police took action and arrested three boys.
Police arrested three boys
Bhanu Pratap Singh said that Mithanpura police station in-charge has been instructed to take action in the case. Police has just raided Mohan Sahni Tola and arrested three youths. While raids are being conducted to arrest others. Any such act will not be tolerated. However, ABP News does not confirm this viral video.
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