UP News: During his stay in Gorakhpur, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met people in Janta Darshan on Saturday and listened to their problems and directed the officials to resolve them. During this, CM Yogi instructed the officials that there should be no delay in helping the victims and benefiting the eligible people from the public welfare schemes of the government. Any kind of negligence will not be tolerated in this.
The Chief Minister said that if there is any problem at any level, then it should be identified and resolved and if the case is deliberately kept pending at any level, then responsibility should be ensured and action should be taken against the concerned person. Janta Darshan was organized in the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan auditorium of Gorakhnath temple complex.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath assured everyone that there is no need to panic. He will ensure effective resolution of every problem. Regarding this, he clearly explained to the administration and police officials on the spot that the problems of the public should be resolved in a timely, fair and qualitative manner.
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Strict steps should be taken- Chief Minister
When some people complained about land grabbing, the Chief Minister directed the officials to take strict action against land mafia and bullies who grab land. Strict legal steps should be taken on complaints of land grabbing. The administration should have the mantra that no one will be allowed to act arbitrarily and everyone will get justice.
In some cases, the Chief Minister instructed the officers to also find out why and for what reasons someone did not get the support of the administration. Every victim should be helped immediately. Like every time, this time also many people came to Janta Darshan with a request for financial help for treatment.
On the request of the people, CM Yogi told the officials to complete the process of the hospital estimate as soon as possible and make it available to the government. Adequate help will be provided from the Chief Minister’s discretionary fund for treatment. Earlier in the morning, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited the Gorakhnath temple complex and also visited the cowshed of the temple.