Heart Attack Myth : Heart diseases are increasing all over the world due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. Young people are also at risk of heart attack. Less physical activities and junk foods-smoking can trigger a heart attack. Many types of signs start appearing before a heart attack. If these are identified on time, then its danger can be avoided.
According to health experts, due to less awareness about heart attack, there is a lot of confusion about it. Many people ask whether continuous shortness of breath is a sign of heart attack. Let’s know the truth about this…
Myth: If you are constantly short of breath, is a heart attack coming?
Fact According to a recent research, 76% of heart attack patients experience symptoms like shortness of breath, dyspnea or fatigue. They have a higher chance of survival than those whose main symptom of heart attack is chest pain. This research, published in ESC Acute Cardiovascular Care 2022, stated that shortness of breath and extreme fatigue were the common symptoms of heart attack in women, the elderly, people with problems like heart blood pressure, diabetes, kidney and lung disease.
Myth: If you have trouble breathing, should you be cautious about a heart attack?
Fact According to health experts, there can be many reasons for breathing problems. These mainly include the heart and lungs. Both are very important organs of the body, so this problem should not be ignored. Experts say that another reason for shortness of breath is that the body needs more oxygen than it is getting. Actually, many people breathe fast to increase the oxygen-rich air in the lungs. Oxygen reaches the blood from the lungs and then the heart pumps it and supplies it to the entire body.
Myth: Can shortness of breath occur suddenly before a heart attack?
Fact According to doctors, shortness of breath is a problem that grows slowly. It is often first noticed during physical exertion. For example, while walking or climbing stairs, one experiences slight shortness of breath. There can be many reasons for this. These include obesity, poor fitness, chronic bronchitis, asthma and anemia.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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