Kolkata Rape-Murder Case: The Supreme Court heard the Kolkata rape-murder case on Thursday (22 August). During this, the court appealed to the doctors to return to work and also assured that their safety would be ensured in the hospitals. The court also reprimanded the government led by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for the negligence shown in the case. In such a situation, let us know what comments the Supreme Court has made during the hearing.
- The Supreme Court said that healthcare professionals should be allowed to return to work. Once they return to work, the court will put pressure on the authorities not to take action. The court said that if doctors do not return to work, how will the public health infrastructure work.
- The Chief Justice expressed concern over the 36-hour duty hours of doctors. He said that when one of my relatives was admitted, I too slept on the floor in a government hospital. There are so many problems in government hospitals that we have received many emails telling about it.