Waves so slow that human ears could pick them up did not exist before. So to make them audible, they have been moved up to 57 and 58 octaves. This audio was actually released in 2022 when these sound waves were separated and made audible for the first time. Report According to, sound vibrations cannot be found in space, nor can they be heard naturally there.
In 2003, space scientists made a shocking discovery. They found sound waves coming from a giant black hole surrounded by a cloud of gas near the Perseus cluster of galaxies. Now this place is known for its scary humming sound. It is not possible to hear them in their natural form at present. These are the lowest-note waves ever discovered by humans in this entire universe, that is, they are very slow and cannot be caught by human ears.
NASA recently sonified them, amplifying sound waves, to see what they sound like. The lowest note identified in 2003 is a B-flat and is located 57 octaves below middle C. The report says that its frequency at that pitch is 10 million years.
The lowest note detectable by human ears has a frequency of one twentieth of a second. After being separated from the supermassive black hole, these waves were played in the anticlockwise direction. Like the sounds discovered earlier in space, these too turned out to be quite scary.
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