Rakhi 2024: Raksha Bandhan is a special festival of Hinduism celebrated on the day of Sawan Purnima (Sawan Purnima 2024), which is a symbol of the unbreakable love between brother and sister. This year the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 19 August 2024.
On Rakshabandhan, the sister ties a protective thread on the brother’s wrist, which is called Rakhi. By getting the Rakhi tied by the sister, the brother takes a pledge that he will protect his sister in every difficult situation throughout his life. That is why this thread of Rakhi is called Rakshasutra. Because the love and trust between the brother and sister is also tied by this thread.
The festival of Raksha Bandhan is being celebrated since ancient times. Its description in religious and mythological stories is found from the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Being a very ancient festival, many beliefs and traditions are also associated with Raksha Bandhan festival. Therefore, these traditions and rules must be followed on Raksha Bandhan, only then it gives auspicious results.
One of the many beliefs and rules associated with Rakshabandhan is to keep a coconut in hand while tying the rakhi. Actually, while tying the rakhi, the sister gives a coconut to her brother. The brother gets the rakhi tied by the sister by keeping the coconut in the hand. Let us know what is its belief.
Why should we keep a coconut in our hand while tying a Rakhi?
The belief behind keeping a coconut in the hand while tying a rakhi is that the brother should not get the rakhi tied with empty hands. While tying the rakhi, his hand should be green and fresh, so that Maa Laxmi always resides in the brother’s hand. That is why this belief is followed even today. But some people keep a dry coconut, also called gola (dry coconut) or some fruit or sweet etc. in the brother’s hand while tying the rakhi, which is wrong.
Therefore, sisters should keep in mind that while tying rakhi, they should keep only coconut with water in brother’s hand. This will help brother progress and after that there will be no shortage of money.
These rules are also important (Raksha Bandhan Rules):
- If the brother is married and you are tying Rakhi to him and his sister-in-law together, then keep a coconut filled with water in the brother’s hand and a dry coconut in the sister-in-law’s lap. It is believed that this keeps the sister-in-law’s bag full.
- If you are tying Rakhi to 2-3 brothers, then you can place the same coconut or custard apple filled with water in the hands of each brother one by one.
- If coconut is not available, you can tie a rakhi by keeping some money in it. But do not put things like fruits or sweets in your brother’s hand.
- After tying the Rakhi, the brothers should return the coconut to the sister. Do not keep it with yourself.
- On the day of Rakhi, brothers should not take anything from their sisters; instead, they should give them gifts or presents after tying the Rakhi.
- While tying Rakhi on brother’s wrist, sister should tie three knots in it.
- While tying the Rakhi, the brother’s face should be towards the east or north.
Also read: Raksha Bandhan 2024 Date: When is Raksha Bandhan 18 or 19 August, know the correct date to tie Rakhi
Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.