Udham Singh Nagar Molestation: A case of obscene acts with girls has come to light from Udham Singh Nagar in Uttarakhand. The girls used to go to a nearby madrasa to study. There the Maulana used to show obscene videos to the little girls and also used to do obscene acts with them. When the parents came to know about this matter, the Maulana fled from the madrasa. At present, the police is searching for the absconding Maulana.
A case of a Maulvi doing obscene acts with small girls in a madrasa in Udham Singh Nagar has come to light. It is alleged that the Maulvi used to show obscene videos to the girls and do dirty acts with them, when the victim families tried to question the Maulvi in ​​the madrasa, he absconded.
Police is searching for the cleric
A woman said that her eight-year-old daughter also studied in a madrasa and for some days she used to become quiet after coming home from the madrasa. Police investigation is going on in this case and the accused Maulvi is being searched. Police said that action will be taken against the accused and he will be arrested as soon as possible.
In this case, the mother of the victim girl told that her eight-year-old daughter also used to study in a madrasa with other children. For some days, her daughter used to become silent after coming home from the madrasa. Thinking that she was unwell, she did not pay attention to it, but when her daughter continued to remain silent, on August 16, other girls studying in the madrasa with her daughter were questioned.
Other students studying in the madrasa told that the Maulvi used to let the older girls and boys go home during study hours and after school. He used to take four innocent girls inside his room and show them dirty videos on his mobile. He also used to do dirty acts with them. Now the police is searching for the accused Maulana.
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