UP News: The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh had ordered to provide details of movable and immovable assets of government employees on the Manav Sampada portal, but till now only 26% of them have given information about their movable and immovable assets. Regarding this, the Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Manoj Kumar Singh has clearly said that only those who give details of their assets by 31 August will be given salary for the month of August, while the salary of all others will be stopped.
At present, there are 17 lakh 88,429 government employees in Uttar Pradesh. Out of this, only 26 percent i.e. 4,64,991 employees have given the details of their assets online. The remaining 13,23,438 have not shared the information yet. In such a situation, their salary is in danger. After IAS and PCS working in the state government, now it has become mandatory for all categories of officers and employees to give online details of movable and immovable assets. In the government order issued by the Personnel Department regarding this, everyone had to give their details by 30 June and it was said that those who did not give it by 30 June would not be given promotion and then its deadline was extended to 31 July, but even in the month of August, 74 percent employees have not given their information, now the last deadline has been given till 31 August for this.
This arrangement was made for the first time
Principal Secretary of Personnel Department M Devraj has sent the order issued by the Chief Secretary to all Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries as well as Department Heads and Office Heads. It states that the promotion of those employees who have not given details of their movable and immovable assets will not be considered.
The facility of providing property details on Manav Sampada portal is being implemented for the first time, therefore, keeping in mind the initial difficulties, the last date for providing one more chance to the employees to provide details on the portal has been fixed as 31st August.
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