UP Social Media Policy: The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh is now preparing to take strict action against objectionable posts on social media. The UP Digital Media Policy-2024 was approved in the cabinet meeting chaired by CM Yogi on Tuesday. Under this, life imprisonment can be given for posting indecent or anti-national posts.
In this policy, provision has been made for advertising by agencies and firms working on social media, while provisions have also been made for legal action on posting indecent or anti-national posts. This policy has been brought to disseminate information about the public welfare, beneficial schemes and achievements of the state government and its benefits to the people through digital and social media.
To display content, videos, tweets, posts and reels based on the schemes and achievements of the state government on social sites, the related agencies and firms will be encouraged by giving advertisements.
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Payment will be made for advertisement category wise
To be listed under this policy, each of X, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have been divided into four categories based on subscribers and followers.
The category-wise maximum limit for payment to account holders, operators, influencers of X, Facebook and Instagram has been fixed at Rs 5 lakh, Rs 4 lakh, Rs 3 lakh and Rs 3 lakh per month respectively.
The category-wise maximum limit for video, shorts, podcast payments on YouTube has been fixed at Rs 8 lakh, Rs 7 lakh, Rs 6 lakh and Rs 4 lakh per month respectively.
Action on posting anti-national content. The content should not be indecent, obscene and anti-national. Till now action was taken under the IT Act. Currently, action is taken by the police under Section 66 (E) and 66 (F) of the IT Act for posting objectionable posts on social media.