Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera was barred by the police from boarding a flight to Raipur on Monday, which led to a heated protest by the party at the Delhi airport. The incident has attracted significant media attention, with many speculating about the reasons behind the police action.
Details of the Incident
Pawan Khera was scheduled to travel to Raipur to attend an event organized by the Congress party. However, when he reached the Delhi airport, he was informed by the airline staff that the police had instructed them not to allow him to board the flight.
Congress Protests at Delhi Airport
The Congress party staged a protest at the Delhi airport soon after the incident, with several senior leaders, including Randeep Singh Surjewala and Manish Tewari, joining Khera in the demonstration. They accused the police of acting at the behest of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and suppressing the opposition.
Police Deny Political Motivation
The police, on the other hand, denied any political motivation behind their action and stated that they had received specific inputs about Khera’s alleged involvement in a criminal case in Raipur. They claimed that they were merely following the due process of law by preventing him from leaving Delhi.
Pawan Khera Denies Allegations
Khera, for his part, strongly denied the allegations and called them a politically motivated attempt to silence him. He claimed that he had never been involved in any criminal activity and that the charges against him were baseless.
Reactions from Political Parties
The incident has triggered a sharp response from the political fraternity, with both the Congress and the BJP accusing each other of trying to stifle dissent. While the Congress has called it an attack on democracy, the BJP has defended the police action, saying that the law must take its course.
The incident involving Pawan Khera’s detention at the Delhi airport highlights the ongoing political turmoil in the country. With the ruling party and the opposition at loggerheads, such incidents are likely to become more frequent in the run-up to the next general election. However, it is essential to maintain the rule of law and ensure that everyone is treated fairly, irrespective of their political affiliations. Only then can India truly claim to be a vibrant democracy.