Samajwadi Party: After winning the Lok Sabha elections from Kannauj, Samajwadi Party national president Akhilesh Yadav has now become an MP. Now, after leaving the post of Leader of Opposition in the UP Assembly, Akhilesh Yadav will do Delhi politics for the time being. Actually, assembly elections are to be held in UP in 2027. In such a situation, till then Akhilesh Yadav will lead his party in Parliament.
Regarding his decision, political analyst Arun Pandey says that the result of the 18th Lok Sabha elections 2024 is that BJP has lost majority. The same has happened in West Bengal and Maharashtra. In such a situation, the biggest victory in the India alliance is of SP i.e. Akhilesh Yadav. Since, Akhilesh had lagged behind in the last assembly elections. At the same time, BSP is not even in the field yet. In such a situation, the matter is about the 5 members of Akhilesh's family. At this time the situation has come that he should go to central politics.
Akhilesh Yadav got great success in Lok Sabha elections
Senior journalist Arun Pandey said that Akhilesh Yadav will look strong in the 18th Lok Sabha. At the same time, BJP was reduced from 62 to 33 seats in UP. Akhilesh Yadav has got great success in this election. A strong government was running for the last 10 years, but this time people have got a strong opposition. Assembly elections are to be held in many states in the coming months. In such a situation, the opposition is looking very strong. Arun Pandey says that Akhilesh Yadav should go into central politics.
Now Akhilesh's focus is on Delhi politics
Political analyst Arun Pandey further said that Akhilesh Yadav will remain a big face of the opposition in UP. For now, he will not go out of UP. This is my assessment because Akhilesh has been elected MP from Kannauj. Even if he goes to Delhi for politics, the opposition in UP will not remain weak. After all, Akhilesh Yadav will remain the face of SP.
Akhilesh will not be seen in front of Yogi Adityanath in the assembly. But the strength of the Samajwadi Party will be his politics. Akhilesh will remain the strength and face of the opposition in the house. Even if there is some other leader in the opposition in his place.
Akhilesh should go into Delhi politics
Arun Pandey believes that Akhilesh Yadav's demand is that it would be better to go to Lok Sabha, while elections are to be held in Jammu and Kashmir in the next 2 months. In such a situation, Akhilesh should go into Delhi politics. Those who were in the opposition will remain in the role of MP and party president. Because, neither they are in power in UP nor in power at the center.
Will Shivpal Yadav be the leader of the opposition in the UP Assembly?
Arun Pandey further said that there used to be 3 faces in UP politics. Now only 2 faces are left. BSP, SP and Congress have been swept away by SP's votes. Now BJP has taken Congress' place. In such a situation, SP will remain in the opposition. For now, Shivpal Yadav can take the place of Leader of Opposition in UP. Because, till now no outside face is visible. Whom they should bring forward and make the Leader of Opposition of UP.
In such a situation, the way to the centre instead of the state is open for Akhilesh to corner the BJP. Since Shivpal is now the most senior member of the legislative party, it is believed that he can be given the post of leader of the opposition.
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